(10-09-2024) 4.11
Main features: Flow operator improvements and new composable input expressions.
Bird editor
- The “End flight” operator is available everywhere in your bird. The “End flight” operator will stop the flight when reached.
- The “End loop” operator will break out of the loop when reached. It is available in loops.
- “End flight” and “End loop” also have an optional condition input, so that one is not always forced to put them into a decision.
- A user can now compose texts in any textual input that does not have an input handler (dropdown) defined, by pressing the magic wand button above their cursor.
- The modal opened when clicking on the ”+” button in the bird editor is redesigned.
- A friendly message is added to the compose operator to remind people they can now use the new text input expression feature.
Bug fixes
- The \ is no longer duplicated as \ in custom inputs.
- A numeric list in a compose operator does no longer break a bird.
- Resolved several issues around importing .csv files into custom libraries.
- Flights are now properly removed from our workflow engine on unsubscription even if flights came in simultantiously.
- Missing flights on the flight page are now displayed.
- Resolved an edge case that didn’t allow for the saving of bird modifications.
(26-08-2024) 4.10
Main features: Custom connection buttons and organization creation automations.
- Added the ability to customize the HTML of connection modals by supporting HTML templates in the SDK.
- Multiple related dynamic inputs are now available in events.
- App names and descriptions are now also updated when a new app version is pushed.
- Default nests are now created when a new organization is created.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an incorrect error being displayed when a file was too large.
- Nest user added and nest user created API events are now correctly triggered.
- Creating a new connection now shows a loading icon.
- Retried actions now fail quicker once all retries are completed.
(09-08-2024) 4.9
Main features: Automatic loop creation.
Bird editor
- The list of available values now also shows values that are part of an array. F.e. when you can input a file, but a list of files is outputed by a previous action, you can still select this value.
- When selecting a value that is coming from an array, a loop will automatically be added around the action.
(07-08-2024) 4.8.1
Main features: Webhook performance improvements.
- Webhooks now perform better given the recent addition of action limitations in our workflow engine.
(05-08-2024) 4.8
Main features: concurrent actions per organization limitations on multi-tenant environments.
- Flights now by default process 6 concurrent actions per organization. This amount can be adjusted for each tenant.