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It’s Blackbird’s ambition to become the most innovative company in the translation industry. We want to give you the perfect technology to start orchestrating your content-driven workflows and be the bridge between content, language and AI.

Our key metric is the time it takes you to set up your workflow, and we will implement more and more features to make that process as easy as possible. Furthermore, we know exactly what problems you may face when it comes to language and content. We will make sure we have a solution that always works for you.

Our philosophy is and always will be: make it as easy as possible for you without being opinionated or being a bottleneck.

Q3 2024

Drag & drop and other bird editor abilities

Building workflows fast is the core tenet of Blackbird. With new improvements to the bird editor like dragging & dropping, copy & paste, and various hotkeys we want to make building birds faster for power users.


To better map a human workflow onto an automated workflow, we sometimes have to wait for certain events to happen inside of our workflow. E.g. after sending a document for translation we have to wait for the translation to be done before we can publish it. Blackbird will introduce “Checkpoints” that allow you to wait for certain events to happen inside a bird. Essentially turning complex multi-bird workflows into one comprehensive bird.

Flight page rework

We want to make the flight page, where you can inspect your bird’s past flights, a delight to use. The ultimate user experienc here would be a live view of your flights even down to each flight showing which action is being executed in real time!

Q4 2024

Easy bird creation (or blueprints)

The time it takes to build a bird is our most important metric. We know that templates for birds would provide great user experience and inspiration for you to leverage the most out of Blackbird. We are excited to build an interactive blueprint system that gives you this inspiration, sets up birds for you with the apps that you use, and will always generate birds that are up-to-date with the latest powerful features Blackbird has to offer.