Google Sheets
Google Sheets is a cloud-based spreadsheet tool that enables easy collaboration on creating, editing, and analyzing data online. With real-time collaboration features and a user-friendly interface, it’s a versatile platform for organizing information, managing projects, and creating charts and graphs.
Spreadsheet Actions
- Add new sheet row Adds a new row to the first empty line of the sheet
- Create sheet Creates sheet
- Download sheet CSV file Downloads CSV file
- Download spreadsheet as PDF file Downloads specific spreadsheet in PDF
- Find sheet row Providing a column address and a value, returns row number where said value is located
- Get column Gets column values
- Get range Gets specific range
- Get sheet cell Gets cell by address
- Get sheet row Gets sheet row by address
- Get sheet used range Gets used range
- Update sheet cell Updates cell by address
- Update sheet row Updates row by start address
- Update sheet column Updates column by start address
Glossary Actions
- Import glossary Imports glossary as a sheet
- Export glossary Exports glossary from a sheet
To utilize the Export glossary action, ensure that the Google sheet mirrors the structure obtained from the Import glossary action result. Follow these guidelines:
- Sheet structure:
- The first row serves as column names, representing properties of the glossary entity: ID, Definition, Subject field, Notes, Term (language code), Variations (language code), Notes (language code).
- Include columns for each language present in the glossary. For instance, if the glossary includes English and Spanish, the column names will be: ID, Definition, Subject field, Notes, Term (en), Variations (en), Notes (en), Term (es), Variations (es), Notes (es).
- Optional fields:
- Definition, Subject field, Notes, Variations (language code), Notes (language code) are optional and can be left empty.
- Main term and synonyms:
- Term (language code) represents the primary term in the specified language for the glossary.
- Variations (language code) includes synonymous values for the term.
- Notes handing:
- Notes in the Notes column should be separated by ’;’ if there are multiple notes for a given entry.
- Variations handling:
- Variations in the Variations (language code) column should be separated by ’;’ if there are multiple variations for a given term.
- Terms notes format:
- Each note in the Notes (language code) column should follow this structure: Term or variation: note.
- Notes for terms should be separated by ’;;’. For example, ‘money: may refer to physical or banked currency;; cash: refers to physical currency.‘
- On new rows added Triggers when new rows are added to the sheet
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