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Lokalise is a continuous localization and translation management platform. This Lokalise application primarily centers around project, key and task management.


  1. Navigate to apps and search for Lokalise. If you cannot find Lokalise then click Add App in the top right corner, select Lokalise and add the app to your Blackbird environment.
  2. Click Add Connection.
  3. Name your connection for future reference e.g. ‘My client’.
  4. Go to your Lokalise profile
  5. Select API tokens section
  6. Click Generate new token, select token type. After that click Generate
  7. Copy generated token and paste it to the appropriate field in Blackbird
  8. Click Connect.
  9. Confirm that the connection has appeared and the status is Connected.



  • Add comments adds comments to a specific Key.


  • List all project files returns a list of file from the specific Project. You can filter them by name.
  • Download all project files as ZIP returns a ZIP file with all project files.
  • Download project source/translated files” returns a list of project files.
  • Download XLIFF file downloads file from task by language.
  • Download XLIFF files from task returns all task XLIFF files.
  • Download all XLIFF files from project returns all project XLIFF files.
  • Upload/Delete file for project
  • Upload file to project as XLIFF Upload a file to the project as XLIFF. You can set the Overwrite existing keys optional input to true if you want to update existing keys instead of adding new ones.


  • List all project keys returns a list of keys for the specified project.
  • List key IDs returns a list of key IDs that can be used in actions for Task creation. Action includes default filters from Lokalise API as well as custom ones such as Unverified, Unreviewed and Exclude tags.
  • Update key translation updates translation for a key, providing said key ID and locale.
  • Get/Create/Delete key


  • List all system languages returns a list of languages supported by Lokalise.
  • List all project languages returns a list of languages added to the Project.
  • Build language returns language object that can be used during Task creation. This way you can build multiple languages with unique assignees.
  • Add/Delete delete project language


  • Empty project deletes all Keys and Translations from the specified project.
  • List projects by date returns a list of projects filtered by creation date interval.
  • List/Get/Create/Update/Delete project(s)


  • List/Get/Update segment(s)


  • Create task from the built languages creates a new task with languages from Build language action results. Note: ordinary Create task action assigns all specified users/groups to all of the languages. If you need languages to have unique users/groups, please use this action.
  • Create language task creates a task for one target language. Because there is only one target language, you can immediatly assign users and groups, and filter keys by translation reviewed/unverified/untranslated.
  • List/Create/Get/Update/Delete task(s)


  • Update translation updates specific translation


  • On key modified for assignee triggers when project key is added/modified or a new task is created.
  • On project imported
  • On project exported
  • On project deleted
  • On project snapshot
  • On project branch added
  • On project branch deleted
  • On project branch merged
  • On project languages added
  • On project language removed
  • On project language settings changed
  • On project key added
  • On project keys added
  • On project key modified
  • On project keys deleted
  • On project key comment added
  • On project translation updated
  • On project translations updated
  • On project translation proofread
  • On project contributor added
  • On project contributor deleted
  • On team order created
  • On team order deleted
  • On team order completed
  • On project task initial TM leverage calculated
  • On project task created
  • On project task closed
  • On project task deleted
  • On project task language closed


Do you want to use this app or do you have feedback on our implementation? Reach out to us using the established channels or create an issue.